Dangerous Medications & Class Action Suits


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews, and approves, many drugs and medical devices to ensure that they are safe for consumers before they can be sold. Still, a lot remains unknown when a drug or device first enters the market. Unfortunately, some drugs and devices end up causing injury to the people that they are prescribed to treat. When many people are harmed by the same prescription drug or medical device, a class action lawsuit is typically filed in order to efficiently compensate all of the injured plaintiffs.

If you saw a television advertisement alerting you to a lawsuit over a drug or device you or a loved one used, you have good reason to be concerned, but you should not panic. An experienced attorney can guide you in determining whether you qualify for compensation and what steps to take next. There is often no cost to you because the drug or device company at fault typically has to pay all the costs associated with the injuries it caused.

The longer a drug or device is on the market, the more we learn about its side effects, so it is important to keep records about the medications and medical devices you and your loved ones have used. You never know when additional information will uncover previously unknown dangers, so paying attention to warnings about drug and medical device class actions is important. If you can recognize early on that you or a relative may be at risk, you could potentially save your life or that of a loved one, and ensure that you receive the compensation you are due for the risk you have been subjected to.

If you think you have been harmed by a dangerous medication or device, contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can advise you about participation in class actions related to drugs and medical devices.

Posted in Personal Injury

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